1:1 Career Coaching

If you're curious as to what 1:1 coaching covers, here's what it looks like:

1. Clarity Call - We start off with a quick 30min call to dive into your dreams and current roadblocks. We'll cover what your custom job search system looks like so that you can gain control of the search again.

2. Customizing Your Program - We hop on an Initial Assessment Call where we're going deep down the rabbit hole so I can create a program that is 100% customized to your needs and personality while pushing you outside your comfort zone so that you can land your dream job.

3. Defining The Dream - We'll list out your top companies and/or industries based on your values and interests. This helps set the tone in the job search process.

4. Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile & Resume - We go in depth on what you why. This is guaranteed to help land you more interview opportunities without you applying online.

5. Show Off Your Value - Companies hire based on whether they think you'll bring value (aka profit) to them. Let's get you showing off your excellent value.

6. Building Relationships - 70% of jobs are in the "hidden job market" aka they aren't posted online. We'll make a list of people you should reach out to so that you can get referrals.

7. Ace The Interviews - You don't want your dream opportunity to slip away just because you slip up in the interviews! We'll have at least 2 mock interviews to get you comfortable. If you are aiming for Software Engineer, one of these will be a technical mock interview

8. Salary Negotiation - If you're scared of negotiating, then you're in good hands. Companies expect you to negotiate and don't want to lose out on their dream candidate, so we'll learn how to negotiate for more money honey.

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